Friday, October 10, 2008
Ms Under Estimated
There are a couple of video's that you might enjoy viewing at Ms. Under Estimated's site. This site is worth watching. View msunderestimated.
Here is a Bailout...
The following e-mail was sent to a friend who gave it to me to read. While the idea is great, it can not be implemented. The Government doesn't have $700 billion laying around to try this idea.
Hi Pals,
I'm against the $82,000,000,000.00 bailout of AIG.
Instead, I'm in favor of giving $85,000,000,000 to America in a We Deserve It Dividend.
To make the math simple, let us assume there are 200,000,000 bonafide U.S. Citizens (not illegals or legal immigrants) of the age 18+. (Does this count the homeless as well??) Our population is about 301,000,000 +/- counting every man, woman, and child. So 200,000,000 might be a fair stab at the adults 18 and up in age.
So divide 200 million adults 18+ into $85 billion. That equals to $425,000.00
My plan is to give $425,000.00 to every legal American 18+ as a We Deserve It Dividend.
Of course, it would NOT be tax free. So let's assume a tax rate of 30%.
Every American individual 18+ has to pay $127,500.00 in taxes. That sends $25,500,000,000. right back to Uncle Sam. But it means that every American adult 18+ has $297,500.00 in their pocket!
A husband and wife has $595,000.00.What would you do with $297,000.00 to $595,000.00 in your family?
Pay off your mortgage? Housing crisis solved!
Repay college loans? What a great boost to new grads.
Put away money for college? It'll be there.
Save in bank? Create money to loan to entrepreneurs.
Buy a new car? Create new jobs (keep existing ones).
Invest in the market? Capital drives growth.
Pay for your parent's medical insurance? Health care improves.
Enable Deadbeat Dads to come clean? (or else!)
Remember! This is for every adult U.S. Citizen 18+, including the folks who lost their jobs at Lehman Brothers and every other company that is cutting back. And of course, for those serving in our Armed Forces.
If we are going to re-distribute the wealth, let's really do it! Instead of trickling out a puny $1000.00 ("vote buy") economic incentive that is being proposed by one of our candidates for President.
If we are going to do an $85 billion bailout, let's bail out every adult U.S. Citizen 18+!
As for AIG, liquidate it! Sell of its parts. Let American General go back to being American General. Sell off the real estate. Let the private sector bargain hunters cut it up and clean it up.
Here is my rationale. We deserve it and AIG doesn't!
Sure it's a crazy idea tha can "never work." But can you imagine the Coast-To-Coast Block Party?
How do you spell Economic Boom?
I trust my fellow adult Americans to know how to use the $85 Billion We Deserve It Dividend more than I do the geniuses at AIG or Washington, DC.
And remember, The Family plan only really costs $59.5 Billion because $25.5 Billion is returned instantly in taxes to Uncle Sam.
Ahhhhh... I feel so much better getting that off my chest.
Kindest personal regards,
A Creative Guy & Citizen.
If only the U.S. Government actually had $85.5 Billion laying around. Now how do we distribute the $700. Billion??? It would be fun trying! :D
Hi Pals,
I'm against the $82,000,000,000.00 bailout of AIG.
Instead, I'm in favor of giving $85,000,000,000 to America in a We Deserve It Dividend.
To make the math simple, let us assume there are 200,000,000 bonafide U.S. Citizens (not illegals or legal immigrants) of the age 18+. (Does this count the homeless as well??) Our population is about 301,000,000 +/- counting every man, woman, and child. So 200,000,000 might be a fair stab at the adults 18 and up in age.
So divide 200 million adults 18+ into $85 billion. That equals to $425,000.00
My plan is to give $425,000.00 to every legal American 18+ as a We Deserve It Dividend.
Of course, it would NOT be tax free. So let's assume a tax rate of 30%.
Every American individual 18+ has to pay $127,500.00 in taxes. That sends $25,500,000,000. right back to Uncle Sam. But it means that every American adult 18+ has $297,500.00 in their pocket!
A husband and wife has $595,000.00.What would you do with $297,000.00 to $595,000.00 in your family?
Pay off your mortgage? Housing crisis solved!
Repay college loans? What a great boost to new grads.
Put away money for college? It'll be there.
Save in bank? Create money to loan to entrepreneurs.
Buy a new car? Create new jobs (keep existing ones).
Invest in the market? Capital drives growth.
Pay for your parent's medical insurance? Health care improves.
Enable Deadbeat Dads to come clean? (or else!)
Remember! This is for every adult U.S. Citizen 18+, including the folks who lost their jobs at Lehman Brothers and every other company that is cutting back. And of course, for those serving in our Armed Forces.
If we are going to re-distribute the wealth, let's really do it! Instead of trickling out a puny $1000.00 ("vote buy") economic incentive that is being proposed by one of our candidates for President.
If we are going to do an $85 billion bailout, let's bail out every adult U.S. Citizen 18+!
As for AIG, liquidate it! Sell of its parts. Let American General go back to being American General. Sell off the real estate. Let the private sector bargain hunters cut it up and clean it up.
Here is my rationale. We deserve it and AIG doesn't!
Sure it's a crazy idea tha can "never work." But can you imagine the Coast-To-Coast Block Party?
How do you spell Economic Boom?
I trust my fellow adult Americans to know how to use the $85 Billion We Deserve It Dividend more than I do the geniuses at AIG or Washington, DC.
And remember, The Family plan only really costs $59.5 Billion because $25.5 Billion is returned instantly in taxes to Uncle Sam.
Ahhhhh... I feel so much better getting that off my chest.
Kindest personal regards,
A Creative Guy & Citizen.
If only the U.S. Government actually had $85.5 Billion laying around. Now how do we distribute the $700. Billion??? It would be fun trying! :D
$700 Billion Bailout
This is just a little of what is in the $700 billion bailout of Wall Street.
"New and improved
Lawmakers demanded numerous changes to the Treasury Department's original, three-page proposal, including limits on how much executives may be paid if their firms sell assets to the government. Congress also added an oversight board to supervise the program, raised the cap on Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. account coverage from $100,000 to $250,000, and required steps to help homeowners avoid foreclosure.
Sweeteners added an estimated $150 billion in costs, including a provision that shields 24 million taxpayers from the alternative minimum tax. The new law also has tax relief provisions for disaster victims; research and development tax credits; a hybrid car tax credit; and tax breaks for teachers who spend their own money on school supplies.1"
"New and improved
Lawmakers demanded numerous changes to the Treasury Department's original, three-page proposal, including limits on how much executives may be paid if their firms sell assets to the government. Congress also added an oversight board to supervise the program, raised the cap on Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. account coverage from $100,000 to $250,000, and required steps to help homeowners avoid foreclosure.
Sweeteners added an estimated $150 billion in costs, including a provision that shields 24 million taxpayers from the alternative minimum tax. The new law also has tax relief provisions for disaster victims; research and development tax credits; a hybrid car tax credit; and tax breaks for teachers who spend their own money on school supplies.1"
$700 Billion Bailout,
LA Times. FDIC,
Wall Street
Obama on the Issues
This is where Obama stands on the issues.
*Abortion: Obama feels women should be trusted to make their own decisions on abortion and that they should be legally available, but also supports unwanted pregnancy prevention measures.
*Civil Rights: Obama strongly supports equal rights and opportunities regardless of race, gender, or physical ability. “There is not a black American and white American and Latino America and Asian American - there is the United States of America.
*Corporations/Regulation: Obama believes that corporations should be responsible for work conditions and pensions and that there should be tax incentives for corporate responsibility. He feels we should close tax loopholes for companies that relocate abroad. (I believe that he has changed his view on tax incentives for corporate responsibility; or it's just another one of his lies!).
*Crime & Punishment: Obama is opposed to the death penalty, but feels that some “heinous crimes” justify it. He supports alternate sentencing and rehabilitation over building more prisons.
*Drug Policy: Obama feels we should address prevention, focusing on unemployment. He admits to having used marijuana (among other things..) and understands why young people are drawn to drugs.
*Education: Obama calls for a sense of urgency about improving our education system and that there should be incentives, including higher pay, for increasing the number and quality of teachers. He argues that “No Child Left behind” is under-funded. (Is this why there are so many stupid people out there now???)
*Energy Policy: Obama supports raising CAFE (Corporate Average Fuel Economy) standards as well as more investment in hybrids and greater ethanol production. He also advocates conservation and the development of alternative fuels, including further exploration of nuclear power.
*Family Values: Obama feels that faith is central to family life and that parent must instill values and ideals in their children. He also feels that all children should receive age-appropriate education regarding sexual abuse.
*Foreign Policy: Obama feels NATO needs to be strengthened, that China is a competitor not an enemy, and that US policy should promote democracy and human rights. He also advocates African development and support for Israel. “We shouldn’t have strategic ambiguity .."
*Gun Control: Obama feels we should ban semi-automatic weapons and institute more possession restrictions. “I believe in keeping guns out of our inner cities, and that our leaders must say so in the face of the gun manufacturer’s lobby.
*Health Care: Obama believes that the federal government should provide health care for everyone. He also feels that we need to increase competition in the insurance and pharmaceutical markets and advocates better funding for AIDS research and prevention.
*Immigration: Obama feels there should be a pathway to citizenship for illegal aliens, but argues that it must be earned. He supports border patrols and a border fence as well as holding employers accountable for hiring undocumented workers.
*Jobs & Unemployment: Obama believes that the minimum wage should be a “living wage” and argues that the burdens of globalization are placed on the backs of workers. He argues that tax cuts for the rich do not create jobs and that unions should be strengthened.
*LGBT Rights (Gay & Lesbian): Obama believes that anti-discrimination laws should include sexual orientation and supports strong civil unions and equal rights, but stops short of supporting gay marriage.
*National Security: Obama feels we should support veterans and address the deficiencies in the VA system. He advocates appealing (does he mean repealing? To rescind or revoke?) “don’t-ask-don’t-tell”, giving our troops the best training and equipment available, and growing the size of the military to maintain rotation schedules.
*Oversight and Reform: Obama advocates public campaign financing with free TV and radio time. He (His) “soft money” contributions and “bundled” money from lobbyists, but argues that influence comes more from access than the money itself.
More on next post...
*Abortion: Obama feels women should be trusted to make their own decisions on abortion and that they should be legally available, but also supports unwanted pregnancy prevention measures.
*Civil Rights: Obama strongly supports equal rights and opportunities regardless of race, gender, or physical ability. “There is not a black American and white American and Latino America and Asian American - there is the United States of America.
*Corporations/Regulation: Obama believes that corporations should be responsible for work conditions and pensions and that there should be tax incentives for corporate responsibility. He feels we should close tax loopholes for companies that relocate abroad. (I believe that he has changed his view on tax incentives for corporate responsibility; or it's just another one of his lies!).
*Crime & Punishment: Obama is opposed to the death penalty, but feels that some “heinous crimes” justify it. He supports alternate sentencing and rehabilitation over building more prisons.
*Drug Policy: Obama feels we should address prevention, focusing on unemployment. He admits to having used marijuana (among other things..) and understands why young people are drawn to drugs.
*Education: Obama calls for a sense of urgency about improving our education system and that there should be incentives, including higher pay, for increasing the number and quality of teachers. He argues that “No Child Left behind” is under-funded. (Is this why there are so many stupid people out there now???)
*Energy Policy: Obama supports raising CAFE (Corporate Average Fuel Economy) standards as well as more investment in hybrids and greater ethanol production. He also advocates conservation and the development of alternative fuels, including further exploration of nuclear power.
*Family Values: Obama feels that faith is central to family life and that parent must instill values and ideals in their children. He also feels that all children should receive age-appropriate education regarding sexual abuse.
*Foreign Policy: Obama feels NATO needs to be strengthened, that China is a competitor not an enemy, and that US policy should promote democracy and human rights. He also advocates African development and support for Israel. “We shouldn’t have strategic ambiguity .."
*Gun Control: Obama feels we should ban semi-automatic weapons and institute more possession restrictions. “I believe in keeping guns out of our inner cities, and that our leaders must say so in the face of the gun manufacturer’s lobby.
*Health Care: Obama believes that the federal government should provide health care for everyone. He also feels that we need to increase competition in the insurance and pharmaceutical markets and advocates better funding for AIDS research and prevention.
*Immigration: Obama feels there should be a pathway to citizenship for illegal aliens, but argues that it must be earned. He supports border patrols and a border fence as well as holding employers accountable for hiring undocumented workers.
*Jobs & Unemployment: Obama believes that the minimum wage should be a “living wage” and argues that the burdens of globalization are placed on the backs of workers. He argues that tax cuts for the rich do not create jobs and that unions should be strengthened.
*LGBT Rights (Gay & Lesbian): Obama believes that anti-discrimination laws should include sexual orientation and supports strong civil unions and equal rights, but stops short of supporting gay marriage.
*National Security: Obama feels we should support veterans and address the deficiencies in the VA system. He advocates appealing (does he mean repealing? To rescind or revoke?) “don’t-ask-don’t-tell”, giving our troops the best training and equipment available, and growing the size of the military to maintain rotation schedules.
*Oversight and Reform: Obama advocates public campaign financing with free TV and radio time. He (His) “soft money” contributions and “bundled” money from lobbyists, but argues that influence comes more from access than the money itself.
More on next post...
Barack Obama,
Thursday, October 9, 2008
McCain on Issues
This is where John McCain stands on the issues.
*Abortion: McCain opposes abortion with exceptions for incest and rape, but doesn’t feel that a constitutional amendment will happen.
*Civil Rights: McCain generally supports civil rights and supports affirmative action for specific programs, but without quotas. He is also a long-time advocate Native American rights.
*Corporations/Regulation: McCain opposes “corporate welfare” and feels we should close corporate loopholes and veto pork-barrel spending.
*Crime & Punishment: McCain believes there should be more community policing, that there should be stricter sentencing and more prisons. He also feels that judges have limited scope under the Constitution and that we have enough hate crime legislation.
*Drug Policy: McCain supports stricter enforcement of stricter penalties for drug crimes. He advocates prevention and education and public/private partnerships for treatment. “I can’t support the legalization of marijuana. … It is a gateway drug.
*Education: McCain supports rewarding good schools and advocates charter schools, as well s allowing the states to decide on school vouchers programs. He’s against nationally imposed standards for funding and feels that such programs penalize students.
*Energy Policy: McCain believes that oil profits should be reinvested in nuclear power. He feels we should develop alternative fuels and strengthen emission controls, but does not support the Kyoto Protocol. He has changed his position on ethanol, feeling it now “makes sense”. (Kyoto Protocol: The Kyoto Protocol is the International Framework on which the reduction of greenhouse gases is used in an effort to prevent anthropogenic climate change.)
*Family Values: Supports housing for low-income families, flex-time and family leave, tax incentives for college savings, and parental involvement in children’s media consumption.
*Foreign Policy: McCain advocates overthrowing “rogue governments” and “assertive multilateralism”. He believes in engaging with China, urging political reform, but no diplomatic or trade relations with Cuba. He feels it is naïve to exclude nuclear weapons as a tool of diplomacy .
*Gun Control: McCain feels we should prosecute criminals “rather than restricting the rights of law abiding citizens”. He opposes holding firearm manufacturers liable for gun violence as well as opposing restrictions on assault weapons. He supports safety lock mandates.
*Immigration: McCain believes in giving illegal aliens a path to citizenship, arguing that 14 million illegal aliens is “de facto amnesty”. He advocates fines, waiting periods, and deportation depending on circumstances. He feels that comprehensive reform starts with border security.
*Jobs & Unemployment: McCain is not a strong advocate for unionization, but feels we must protect small farmers. (More)
*LGBT Rights (Gay & Lesbian): McCain feels that gay marriage should be left to the states and that the “don’t-ask-don’t-tell” policy is working and should be kept in place.
*National Security: McCain strongly opposes the use of torture and rendition. He argues that the military’s political leaders should have a military background and that a Commander in Chief needs experience more than briefing books. (Rendition (law), a legal term meaning "handing over")
*Oversight & Reform: McCain has been a leading proponent of campaign finance reform and advocates restricting PACs, lobbyists, and special interest groups and banning corporate and union contributions to end the “influence-peddling scheme”.
More on the next post...
*Abortion: McCain opposes abortion with exceptions for incest and rape, but doesn’t feel that a constitutional amendment will happen.
*Civil Rights: McCain generally supports civil rights and supports affirmative action for specific programs, but without quotas. He is also a long-time advocate Native American rights.
*Corporations/Regulation: McCain opposes “corporate welfare” and feels we should close corporate loopholes and veto pork-barrel spending.
*Crime & Punishment: McCain believes there should be more community policing, that there should be stricter sentencing and more prisons. He also feels that judges have limited scope under the Constitution and that we have enough hate crime legislation.
*Drug Policy: McCain supports stricter enforcement of stricter penalties for drug crimes. He advocates prevention and education and public/private partnerships for treatment. “I can’t support the legalization of marijuana. … It is a gateway drug.
*Education: McCain supports rewarding good schools and advocates charter schools, as well s allowing the states to decide on school vouchers programs. He’s against nationally imposed standards for funding and feels that such programs penalize students.
*Energy Policy: McCain believes that oil profits should be reinvested in nuclear power. He feels we should develop alternative fuels and strengthen emission controls, but does not support the Kyoto Protocol. He has changed his position on ethanol, feeling it now “makes sense”. (Kyoto Protocol: The Kyoto Protocol is the International Framework on which the reduction of greenhouse gases is used in an effort to prevent anthropogenic climate change.)
*Family Values: Supports housing for low-income families, flex-time and family leave, tax incentives for college savings, and parental involvement in children’s media consumption.
*Foreign Policy: McCain advocates overthrowing “rogue governments” and “assertive multilateralism”. He believes in engaging with China, urging political reform, but no diplomatic or trade relations with Cuba. He feels it is naïve to exclude nuclear weapons as a tool of diplomacy .
*Gun Control: McCain feels we should prosecute criminals “rather than restricting the rights of law abiding citizens”. He opposes holding firearm manufacturers liable for gun violence as well as opposing restrictions on assault weapons. He supports safety lock mandates.
*Immigration: McCain believes in giving illegal aliens a path to citizenship, arguing that 14 million illegal aliens is “de facto amnesty”. He advocates fines, waiting periods, and deportation depending on circumstances. He feels that comprehensive reform starts with border security.
*Jobs & Unemployment: McCain is not a strong advocate for unionization, but feels we must protect small farmers. (More)
*LGBT Rights (Gay & Lesbian): McCain feels that gay marriage should be left to the states and that the “don’t-ask-don’t-tell” policy is working and should be kept in place.
*National Security: McCain strongly opposes the use of torture and rendition. He argues that the military’s political leaders should have a military background and that a Commander in Chief needs experience more than briefing books. (Rendition (law), a legal term meaning "handing over")
*Oversight & Reform: McCain has been a leading proponent of campaign finance reform and advocates restricting PACs, lobbyists, and special interest groups and banning corporate and union contributions to end the “influence-peddling scheme”.
More on the next post...
John McCain,
Palin is wearing white again, inciting the racist crowds (???)
This is how a post at the starts! The members at this site are stating simply that because Sarah Palin is wearing a white (top - jacket if memory serves me correctly) at a Florida rally, that she is a racist! She also wore a black skirt in this image,
and I believe she work black pants or skirt in another rally that I viewed while watching Fox News.
To simply state that someone is racist simply because of the color of clothing they wear is not only ignorant, it is also slander! Florida temperatures at the time were in the 80's (Fahrenheit). There are many people that wear white and while it is considered a faux pas to wear white AFTER Labor Day (some fashion industry standards say it is ok), it still doesn't imply that someone is a racist!
The statement made by the Democratic Underground blogger (simply known as Roberto1223); however, is slanderous! Not only does he put himself in jeopardy of a law suit, he jeopardizes the site at which the comment was made. It also spreads ignorance among the ignorant. How long does it really take to google an image to see how factual the statement is?
I first came across this subject at Michelle Malkin's blog where when first reading I mis-understood her point (she was making fun of idiots that thought color of clothing meant something) and thought she actually BELIEVED the statement. Sorry Michelle! I would like to thank her for sharing information to alert the rest of us about the lies, stupidity, and slander that is being spread during this campaign. It is important that each and everyone of us stay informed and vote for issues and not the gossip.
Remember! Don't just simply believe what you read, watch, or hear. Investigate and research (a little) and find out the truth. Wearing black and white does NOT make you racist!
The Democratic Underground has simply hurt any credibility they might have had by allowing their members to post items like this. It is one thing to not like Sarah Palin; it is another to slander someone simply to discredit them.
and I believe she work black pants or skirt in another rally that I viewed while watching Fox News.
To simply state that someone is racist simply because of the color of clothing they wear is not only ignorant, it is also slander! Florida temperatures at the time were in the 80's (Fahrenheit). There are many people that wear white and while it is considered a faux pas to wear white AFTER Labor Day (some fashion industry standards say it is ok), it still doesn't imply that someone is a racist!
The statement made by the Democratic Underground blogger (simply known as Roberto1223); however, is slanderous! Not only does he put himself in jeopardy of a law suit, he jeopardizes the site at which the comment was made. It also spreads ignorance among the ignorant. How long does it really take to google an image to see how factual the statement is?
I first came across this subject at Michelle Malkin's blog where when first reading I mis-understood her point (she was making fun of idiots that thought color of clothing meant something) and thought she actually BELIEVED the statement. Sorry Michelle! I would like to thank her for sharing information to alert the rest of us about the lies, stupidity, and slander that is being spread during this campaign. It is important that each and everyone of us stay informed and vote for issues and not the gossip.
Remember! Don't just simply believe what you read, watch, or hear. Investigate and research (a little) and find out the truth. Wearing black and white does NOT make you racist!
The Democratic Underground has simply hurt any credibility they might have had by allowing their members to post items like this. It is one thing to not like Sarah Palin; it is another to slander someone simply to discredit them.
Democratic Underground,
Michelle Malkin,
Sarah Palin,
Monday, October 6, 2008
Barack Hussein Obama II
Barack Hussein Obama II
U.S. Democratic Senator
August 4, 1961, in Honolulu, Hawaii.
Obama attended Punahou School from 1971 until his graduation from high school in 1979.
Obama studied at Occidental College for 2 years in Los Angeles, CA. He then transferred to Columbia University in
New York City, where he graduated with a B.A. in Political Science and specialized in International Relations in 1983.
Barack Hussein Obama II
U.S. Democratic Senator
August 4, 1961, in Honolulu, Hawaii.
Obama attended Punahou School from 1971 until his graduation from high school in 1979.
Obama studied at Occidental College for 2 years in Los Angeles, CA. He then transferred to Columbia University in
New York City, where he graduated with a B.A. in Political Science and specialized in International Relations in 1983.
Barack Obama,
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