Friday, October 10, 2008

Obama on the Issues

This is where Obama stands on the issues.

*Abortion: Obama feels women should be trusted to make their own decisions on abortion and that they should be legally available, but also supports unwanted pregnancy prevention measures.

*Civil Rights: Obama strongly supports equal rights and opportunities regardless of race, gender, or physical ability. “There is not a black American and white American and Latino America and Asian American - there is the United States of America.

*Corporations/Regulation: Obama believes that corporations should be responsible for work conditions and pensions and that there should be tax incentives for corporate responsibility. He feels we should close tax loopholes for companies that relocate abroad. (I believe that he has changed his view on tax incentives for corporate responsibility; or it's just another one of his lies!).

*Crime & Punishment: Obama is opposed to the death penalty, but feels that some “heinous crimes” justify it. He supports alternate sentencing and rehabilitation over building more prisons.

*Drug Policy: Obama feels we should address prevention, focusing on unemployment. He admits to having used marijuana (among other things..) and understands why young people are drawn to drugs.

*Education: Obama calls for a sense of urgency about improving our education system and that there should be incentives, including higher pay, for increasing the number and quality of teachers. He argues that “No Child Left behind” is under-funded. (Is this why there are so many stupid people out there now???)

*Energy Policy: Obama supports raising CAFE (Corporate Average Fuel Economy) standards as well as more investment in hybrids and greater ethanol production. He also advocates conservation and the development of alternative fuels, including further exploration of nuclear power.

*Family Values: Obama feels that faith is central to family life and that parent must instill values and ideals in their children. He also feels that all children should receive age-appropriate education regarding sexual abuse.

*Foreign Policy: Obama feels NATO needs to be strengthened, that China is a competitor not an enemy, and that US policy should promote democracy and human rights. He also advocates African development and support for Israel. “We shouldn’t have strategic ambiguity .."

*Gun Control: Obama feels we should ban semi-automatic weapons and institute more possession restrictions. “I believe in keeping guns out of our inner cities, and that our leaders must say so in the face of the gun manufacturer’s lobby.

*Health Care: Obama believes that the federal government should provide health care for everyone. He also feels that we need to increase competition in the insurance and pharmaceutical markets and advocates better funding for AIDS research and prevention.

*Immigration: Obama feels there should be a pathway to citizenship for illegal aliens, but argues that it must be earned. He supports border patrols and a border fence as well as holding employers accountable for hiring undocumented workers.

*Jobs & Unemployment: Obama believes that the minimum wage should be a “living wage” and argues that the burdens of globalization are placed on the backs of workers. He argues that tax cuts for the rich do not create jobs and that unions should be strengthened.

*LGBT Rights (Gay & Lesbian): Obama believes that anti-discrimination laws should include sexual orientation and supports strong civil unions and equal rights, but stops short of supporting gay marriage.

*National Security: Obama feels we should support veterans and address the deficiencies in the VA system. He advocates appealing (does he mean repealing? To rescind or revoke?) “don’t-ask-don’t-tell”, giving our troops the best training and equipment available, and growing the size of the military to maintain rotation schedules.

*Oversight and Reform: Obama advocates public campaign financing with free TV and radio time. He (His) “soft money” contributions and “bundled” money from lobbyists, but argues that influence comes more from access than the money itself.

More on next post...


1 comment:

PoliticsJarginToday said...

*Social Security: Obama believes that any efforts to privatize Social Security should be stopped. He supports an earning cap of $97,500. Who can live off $97,000 over a 20 to 30 year time frame??

Actions: Obama voted AGAINST establishing reserve funds...

*Stem Cell Research: Obama supports embryonic stem cell research. “This is about a commitment to medical research, under strict federal guidelines. … [We must] expand the current policy on embryonic stem cell research so that we can begin finding the cures of tomorrow today.”

*Tax Policy: Obama feels we should reduce the Bush administration’s tax cuts to pay for health care and other programs, arguing that those cuts benefit corporations but not the middle class. He advocates tax incentives to create jobs at home rather than offshore.

*Technology/Infrastructure: Obama supported telecommunications legislation to protect network neutrality on the internet. He argues that we need “an Apollo program” for research and development into alternative forms of energy. He also believes that we should invest more.

*“War on Terror” & Iraq: Obama advocates a slow, scheduled withdrawal from Iraq (which he argues was a strategic blunder) and feels we should have an open dialogue with Syria and Iran. He believes that the focus of the “war on terror” should be on al-Qaeda in Pakistan and the Taliban.

*Budget & Spending: Obama feels that the Bush administration’s policies are not working and opposes raising the national debt limit.

Actions: Obama voted AGAINST a $40 billion reduction...

*Environment: Obama has campaigned for reducing toxic emissions and is a strong supporter of the Great Lakes Regional Collaboration. He is also an outspoken critic of the Katrina recovery effort. “The issue of climate change is one that we ignore at our own peril."

*Trade & Globalization: Obama opposes free trade agreements that don’t live up to labor and environmental standards and advocates “hard bargaining” in trade negotiations. “Globalization is here, and I don’t think Americans are afraid to compete."

*Welfare & Poverty: Obama believes that welfare recipients want to work, but need assistance. He feels that faith-based organizations already provide much needed assistance and feels that the government should be doing more.
